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What is CryptoRobotics Project?

What is CryptoRobotics project?
CryptoRobotics is a freemium cross-platform desktop trading terminal for computers (macOS and Windows), tablets and smartphones (iOS, Android, Windows mobile) with one-click access and switching between major cryptocurrency exchanges. We make technical and trade analysis instruments similar to the stock market terminals (Quik, Metatrader) available to crypto.

CryptoRobotics makes technical and trading analysis instruments similar to stock market terminals like Quik, Metatrader available for krypto. Allows users to connect simultaneously to 30 krypto currency exchanges and make transactions in both manual and automatic modes. Therefore, This trading robot is a system capable of monitoring indicators independently based on one or more conditions, which make decisions in transactions. CryptoRobotics trading terminal is a software solution designed to act interactively in a variety of standard procedures that a trader needs to work in the currency market of crypto. The project was developed for a free cross platform terminal for crypto currency exchanges.
What about the combination of robotics and cryptocurrencies?
Millions of our users will generate huge amount of trading history data. This Big data along with retrospective rates of all coins from every connected coin exchange will be used for multiple purposes: from ratings and analytics, backtesting of robots to delivery of our ultimate goal - Artificial Intelligence CryptoRobots. To ensure global real-time access and low ping, we are deploying cloud database distributed on almost every continent.
The market volume
According to web-publishing for December 2017 13.3 million users were registered in a stock exchange Coinbase (San Francisco, California), but for now the stock exchange’s turnover is not included in the TOP-10 and takes less than 3% of the total trading market on the cryptocurrency exchanges. At the same time one part of traders on the cryptocurrency exchanges continue to keep their funds on stock exchanges, despite existing risks, and another part has money wallets.
According to the estimates of various specialists by the end of 2017, there were from 5.8 to 11.5 million of unique wallets for cryptocurrenciesin the world. By January 2018 more than 200 cryptocurrency exchanges have been created and they are functioning in the world, and of course each of them has its own database, including traders database, which makes the estimation of the total number of unique users impossible. However, the continual growth of the market is reported by portal: more than 100 000 users join the platforms of cryptocurrency exchanges every day.
What makes CryptoRobotics Special?
Algorithm and the Artificial Intelligence used on CryptoRobotics in algotrading!
Artificial intelligence is different from all previously created products by the team with a complex of complex tasks. Among them:
˗ a self-learning system development;
˗ connection to a maximum possible number of expert databases avoiding network congestion associated with an overabundance of information and additional loads on stock exchanges;
˗ elimination of errors during the databases selection;
˗ creation of non-linear algorithms for solving problems of traders;
˗ collecting feedback and working out additional trading strategies that are not included to the basic
functionality of trading robots;
˗ teaching the system to "reasoning" for analytics and creating new strategies;
˗ and many other tasks that AI can suggest​itself
System’s robots
A trading robot is a system capable of independent monitoring of necessary indicators and making a decision on the transaction based on one or several indicators. Thus, the robot can almost completely substitute the user in the trade taking over all the necessary functions of a successful trader.
Trading algorithms embedded in robots, the use of technical and statistical analysis methods, its algorithms for buying and selling, a set of protective tactics, adherence to risk management rules and a money managementsystem - all this makes the robots of the system a complete trading system.
Robots Constructor
Existing trading robots in the terminal may for some reason not meet the requirements of the trader. To createpersonal trading robot in CryptoRobotics terminal Robots Constructor is used, it does not require anyprogramming skills or knowledge.
The Constructor's interface is intuitive, any user can test his trading strategy on history and create his ownrobot based on back testing results.
The Robots Constructor allows to create a new trading strategy or change the existing one without usingprogramming. To do this it is necessary to specify trading rules based on a large number of built-in conditions,
indicators of technical analysis, risk control methods and other conditions.


Robotics Tokens
ROBO tokens are currencies used as payments in CryptoRobotics terminal products, Payments for this terminal product can be through the privacy of the user and can be through the Market robot.
Token information and ICO
Total token : 120,000,000 ROBO tokens
Type : ERC-20 standard (ethereum)
Token for ICO : 57.6 million ROBO tokens
Started : March 20, 2018
Expires : May 20, 2018
Number of token s: 9,600,000 (8%)
Started : May 20, 2018
Expires : June 20, 2018
Number of tokens : 48,000,000 (40%)
Price : 0.00015 ETH
Token Allocation
40% ICO
For more information :

Author: tinhkhuat

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