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What is EINC Project?

What is EINC project?
EtherInc is a fork of Ethereum to power the future of organizations – First live project to create digital organizations based on cryptographic proof instead of trust. eInc organisations can operate democratically and transparently with the consensus of its shareholders, without the need of a trusted third party and/or costly intermediaries.

EtherInc or einc is designed to create unique protocols for the creation, management and launch of decentralized applications and organizations. The purpose of this block solution is to enable entrepreneurs around the world to create and manage decentralized companies that are free of restrictions, costly and cross-border intermediaries. Such a joint approach will help to increase the value of the product, as well as increase the trust and sustainability of the company. EtherInc intends to be available worldwide for entrepreneurs where they need this important service.
How does EINC work?
EtherInc has successfully built what can be referred to as a comprehensive abstract foundation layer consisting of a blockchain network with an inbuilt programming language. This means anyone within the ecosystem will be able to create smart contracts as well as other decentralized apps in which they can establish their own ownership rules, state transition functions and transaction formats. This platform will be especially useful for creating decentralized apps, especially in situations where entrepreneurs are seeking fast development times and also the capability of different apps interacting efficiently.
Eliminating Start Up Costs And Spurring Businesses
As mentioned above, all the costs and complexities that surround startups have forced many dreams to go unaccomplished. EtherIn eliminates all the legal, operational and financial requirements of creating a new startup. To launch your company, all your need to do is to first select a name and you can being to set up your blockchain firm. Next, you can add the founding members and then start assigning roles to your team.
As part of building your team, EtherInc allows you to issue stock to your founding team, with unique voting powers based on share percentage. It allows you to distribute ownership seamlessly without border restrictions, thus enabling you to bring in a wide variety of experts into your company. You can also define how specific actions in your firm are triggered or decided by setting up smart contracts.
In the issue of collaboration, EtherInc offers a voting platform where business owners can create company proposals for voting. The voting process is done in a highly secure manner that is impossible to falsify. Accepted proposals can then be entered into a smart contract, with the payments being triggered only after all the conditions within that contract have been met.
The other notable way in which EtherInc intends to spur businesses to thrive on its platform is through providing a brand-new protocol of conducting crowdfunding. Using the inbuilt tokensale smart contract, you can raise funds to grow your company from anywhere in the globe.
EtherInc Final Thoughts
An Ethereum blockchain based solution, EtherInc seeks to remove all the barriers that startups face. Additionally, it also provides a unique decentralized platform where entrepreneurs can grow their businesses through secure and transparent crowdfunding, voting and access to a diverse team.


EtherInc ETI Token ICO Details
  • Pre ICO sale starts: 05/07/18
  • Pre ICO sale ends: 05/15/18
  • ICO sale starts: 05/25/18
  • ICO sale ends: 06/25/18
  • Coin symbol: ETI
  • Total coin supply: 997,528,142 ETI
  • Total coins in coinsale: 450,000,000 ETI
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Author: tinhkhuat

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