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What Is Modern Finance Chain/MFChain?

What Is Modern Finance Chain/MFChain?
MF Chain is building the most cost-effective cryptocurrency payment ecosystem that rewards the consumer as well as the merchant. MF Chain’s immediate goal is to become the foundation of commerce powered by the blockchain by bringing users the ability to transact using their favorite coins, based on a zero-fee model along with an innovative merchant rewards program.
The greater vision of Modern Finance Chain is the MF Mainnet. An independent public blockchain that uses a BFT/POS consensus model and a unique masternode incentivization protocol. Furthermore, MF Mainnet will allow for the development of enterprise level private blockchains, atomic swap cross-chain transactions, multi-blockchain integration, and a verified digital identity system. Long term value for Modern Finance Chain will be realized with the Innovation Incubator. Providing upstart projects the resources required to be successful along with a multi-currency ICO Platform that will allow multiple currencies to be accepted during the live token generation event.
Fundamentally, Modern Finance Chain’s goal is to expand cryptocurrency utility to the point of ubiquity. We are helping cryptocurrency reach beyond being merely an investment, trading or speculative tool. Consumers, merchants, and enterprises both large and small will now be able to capitalize on the convenience and security that cryptocurrency and blockchain provide.
How does Modern Finance Chain works?
MF Chain Business Model
Building a public smart contract platform with merchant payment integration creates a complete and robust commerce which has a reciprocating effect across all channels involved. DApps launching on the MF Chain instantly benefit from the acceptance of their tokens at thousands of merchants worldwide. As the digital economy grows, so does the value of MF Chain.
MF Chain will integrate with merchants in 2018 by partnering with payment processors that are already doing business with a minimum of 10,000 merchants. Payment processors will be engaged with an incentivized partnership agreement that brings an exciting new service to their merchant product offerings. MF Chain benefits by becoming instantly integrated into a conventional stream of commerce. This unique approach ensures adoption of the MF Chain payment solution and paves a clear path for future projects launching on the MF Mainnet.
Projects approved for the Modern Finance Chain Innovation Incubator are supported by MF Chain on multiple strategic fronts: Access to the pre-built and audited smart contract library, an ICO launch platform that is multi-currency capable and development & marketing support. MF Chain will directly benefit from equity ownership in these projects.

The platform will also operate with multi-currencies for the purpose of ICOs on the platform. And allow them to be accepted under any number of ICO projects that need to use multiple currencies through a form of live token generation and events.
Multi-programming languages are used as well, some of them through the use of the most advanced smart contracts the world has seen, and they will be compliant with C++, C#. Java, Python, NodesJS & Solidity.
There are private blockchains as well, and they operate at a business enterprise level for corporations to use for the distribution of their code on uniquely run private chains. And to add to that, any cross-chain transactions without the of a centralized exchange platform will work through an atomic swap process with third party authority.
The smart contract library is also prebuilt and beneficial to all users. Along with the incubator the system has that is considered to be extremely innovative and provide the most intelligent minds with the resources they need to bring their marvelous ideas to life.
ICO info
  • 33000 ETH ICO CAP
  • MIN: 0.1 ETH
  • MAX: 200 ETH
  • 3500 ETH
  • 5000 ETH
  • 1 ETH = 10,150 MFX
  • ICO
  • 24500 ETH
  • 1 ETH = 8,500 MFX
Funds Allocation

For more information:

Author: tinhkhuat

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