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What is Zext project?

What is Zext project?
ZEXT is a blockchain database that supports community building and a social interaction platform along with its native cryptocurrency exchange. Zext combines concepts from social media, with lessons learned from building cryptocurrencies and their communities. 

An important key to inspiring participation in any community, currency or free market economy is a fair accounting system that consistently reflects each user contribution. Zext is a pioneer in the cryptocurrency universe that attempts to scale a dual combination of a social media platform and its very own cryptocurrency exchange, which accurately and transparently rewards an unbounded number of users who make practical contribution to its community.
Zext's Motivation
Thanks to the invention of Blockchain technology, we live in a knowledge-based economy. Existing platforms operate on a one-user, one-vote principle. This creates an environment where rankings can be manipulated by sybil attacks and the service providers must proactively identify and block abusers. People already attempt to manipulate the Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter scoring algorithms when the only reward is web traffic or censorship. The fundamental unit of account on the ZEXT platform is ZEXT COIN (ZXT), a cryptocurrency token. ZEXT operates on the basis of one ZEXT one-vote. Under this model, individuals who have contributed the most to the platform, as measured by their account balance, have the most influence over how contributions are scored. 
Furthermore, ZEXT only allows members to vote with ZEXT when it is committed to a vesting schedule. Under this model, members have a financial incentive to vote in a way that maximizes the long term value of their ZEXT. ZEXT is designed around a relatively simple concept: everyone’s meaningful contribution to the community should be recognized for the value it adds. When people are recognized for their meaningful contributions, they continue contributing and the community grows. Any imbalance in the give and take within a community is unsustainable. Eventually the givers grow tired of supporting the takers and disengage from the community.  
Zext's Feature
The Zext community provides the following services to its members:
1. A source of curated news and commentary.
2. A medium to get high quality answers to personalized questions.
3. A stable erc-20 platform which uses smart contract to transfer funds for various purpose such as payment system , reward system etc
4. A stable exchange which operates 24*7*365 aiding all types of crypto to crypto trading .
5. ZEXT will allow listing new ICOs for their token sale with the unique feature includes zero trading fees for new ico coin for a considerable time.
6. our exchange will allow ico to be traded immediately after their ico without having to pay to get listed (this services are for verified projects though). The problem with many projects is that they find it difficult to make it into a good exchange on time, so that's one of the issues this project is solving.
Why Zext?
Zext is a utility token that obtain value from the community members. Zext token will be used as a reward system for community users and it also has the capacity to be adopted as a mode of payments within the Zext community. We are implementing a completely decentralized solution for social media and exchange systems that directly bring about positive changes with unique features that favor the investors and the developer. The value of Zext token will increase due to its potential. Zext is going to be an advertising platform for commercial products and blockchain Industry.

Zext TEAM:
Zext team are social media experts with great experience in social network. We have worked with different organizations across the globe and we have acquired immense knowledge in blockchain industry and we are focused on developing our own blockchain. We consider Zext as a solution that can help other teams to bring their projects to life by solving the problem of being listed in an exchange.
Token Sales:
(Pre-ICO & Crowd Sales) Our Token Sale starts immediately after ZEXT Platform is launched. The first round of sales is the Pre-sale and the second round is the Crowd Sales which will be sold in 0.25$

For more information:

Author: tinhkhuat

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