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What is Peer to Peer Energy Protocol (P2PEP) Project?

What is P2PEP Project?

P2PEP aims to revolutionize, boost convenience, increase efficiency and lower costs for all parties aspiring to make the transition towards clean energy.

Peer to Peer Energy Protocol (P2PEP) is an energy exchanging platform that will associate renewable energy makers with those that request it, encouraging future improvement of renewable energy sources by diminishing and notwithstanding expelling the boundaries providing clean renewable produced power to purchasers.


P2PEP means to upset, support comfort, increment proficiency and lower costs for all gatherings seeking to make the change towards clean energy.
Clean energy makers experience serious difficulties reselling their energy supply simple and at a reasonable cost. Numerous buyers need clean energy, yet don't need the issue of finding and introducing a framework.
The present energy industry puts a silly measure of levering power in the hands of the old petroleum derivative organizations and these organizations are the simple ones impeding the progress towards utilizing clean energy.
In too numerous spots individuals endure, because of awful energy foundation, while there are a lot of chances to deliver clean energy in those regions.
Through the P2PEP Platform, clean Energy would de be able to specifically exchanged peer to peer and all inclusive as simple as getting a uber ride.
The P2PEP platform can be utilized as a part of a purchaser to shopper or business to buyer way, to trade out and out on energy oversupply. It additionally facilitates Clean Energy Companies to straightforwardly associate with their customers, helping them to sidestep the restricting, contaminating and obsolete energy industry.
In spite of the fact that Complex however Simple, P2PEP is a propelled arrangement in light of the blockchain innovation, PEP is an installment token for energy exchanging over the P2PEP organize. Use is straightforward as all that is required is to download our portable application and begin buying or selling clean energy.
With the P2PEP application buying and selling of clean energy will be only a tick away.
By means of the P2PEP application clean energy creating organizations can exchange straightforwardly with clients.

P2PEP will contact convey strengthening to places with terrible energy foundation.

P2PEP Platform Features:

Latest Technology
P2PEP platform uses the latest technology For the convenience of its users. By using the new Ethereum ERC223 protocol, no blockchain knowledge is needed to get around. Payments can be done to iohnsmith.eth" instead of complex addresses such as '0x4cbe58c50480....
Easy Usage
To use P2PEP all you need is a smartphone and its app. This allows newcomers to quickly find their way buying and selling clean energy. The exchange of energy has never been simpler, allowing the mass market to switch to clean energy,without needing to install complex energy systems
Future Of Clean Energy Trading
The goal is to bring convenience, lower costs and innovation to the exchange of energy market. With the P2PEP platform, polluting oil coalitions and monopolists, can be circumvented and as such enabling the move towards clean energy.
Safe Integration
P2PEP uses a standard electronic Confirmation Matching (ecM) which is the established standard for energy trading. eCM helps to reduce operational risk, cost and delays when processing confirmations.
The P2PEP platform is meant to connect businesses with their customers, thus designed to nurture effective inter-business and customer relationships. P2PEP's nature brings reliability and stability to the market.
P2PMeets Blockchain
P2PEP trades are peer-to-peer, combining both REMIT Regulations and blockchain protocol, providing both security and transparency. Transactions are recorded as they happen and are distributed over the network.

For more information:

Author: tinhkhuat

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