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What is OPTHERIUM Project?

What is OPTHERIUM Project?

The Optherium Modular Ecosystem utilizes a private multi-decentralized blockchain, multi-secure, with multi-currency, dynamic biometric verification, and instant multi-signature transaction, confirmations all on a Hyperledger Platform. This permits individuals and corporations to store their digital assets and execute instant transactions and confirmations worldwide, at rates over 100,000 transactions per second, in the most unique, patented, and secure ecosystem available.
Optherium Labs, a global Fintech company and member of the Linux™, Hyperledger, and Crypto Valley Foundations, is fully licensed in the European Union for fiat to crypto- and crypto- to fiat currency exchange and eWallet services.
Developers of Optherium found a solution. The ecosystem is built on the Hyperledger technology, so it quickly adapts to any architecture, an authentication and profile recovery is performed using biometric data, an electronic wallet is integrated for secure storage and conversion of cryptocurrency. Optherium works for private clients (B2C sector) and business tasks (B2B sector), a platform for e-commerce is built in, POS-terminals for ordering goods and services offline will be installed in the future.

How Does the Optherium Platform Work?

Developers highlight six ecosystem modules.

1. Key Recovery Service (KRS). It’s a tool to restore access to your account based on biometric data, which allows you to save money and use it in case of loss (theft) of personal information. The user will not lose money, he can restore the balance of the cryptocoins in unforeseen situations.
2. Know Your Customer Service (KYC). New users upload personal data, receive confirmation, after which their documents are stored in encrypted form. This approach protects information from unauthorized access, theft, and illegal use.
3. Biometric-based verification. Log in to the account is possible by a sample of voice, fingerprint or through face scanning. Biometric data is encrypted, the system protects it from later changes or fakes.
4. Mobile Apps. Applications for smartphones and tablets allow you to safely store digital assets (cryptocoins, tokens of the ICO projects, stocks), sell and buy them at any time. The Optherium electronic wallet is decentralized, the assets are protected from hacker attacks.
5. E-commerce Platform. It is a platform for ordering goods and services in exchange for the cryptocurrency assets. Developers plan to install POS-terminals in ordinary stores to simplify purchases for cryptocoins.
6. Digital Currency Exchange. The speed of the built-in exchanger is 100 thousand operations per second, 150 kinds of cryptocoins are supported. Conversion occurs within the platform, there is no need to register with third-party services.
The application Vivus Pay, oriented to private clients of the Optherium platform, allows converting and spending cryptocoins from the smartphone screen. Similar to online banks and e-money services, Vivus Pay allows you to store several types of digital and fiat money, displays the history of transactions, and integrates with Visa and Mastercard payment systems. The working version of the application is already available in the AppStore.

Optherium Ecosystem

Optherium Labs is creating an ecosystem around a modular, Multi-Decentralized Private Blockchains Network™ that provides fast transactions and instant confirmations utilizing MultiSecure Transactions™, Dynamic biometrics™ – based user verification involving multi-currencies and multiple forms of digital assets. The Optherium Ecosystem will act as an operating system for marketplaces, data-sharing networks, digital currencies, and decentralized communities. Every transaction and every piece of data is stored on a Multi-Decentralized Private Blockchains Network™ within the Optherium Ecosystem.
Optherium Labs maintains its own private, peer-to-peer nodes and blockchains forged by consensus and combined with a system for smart contracts and assistive technologies. The multiple blockchains work in tandem utilizing Hyperledger Fabric™, the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), and the Ethereum Network with unique cross-chain transactions. By using multiple blockchains over multiple platforms, Optherium creates a uniquely secure, Multi-Decentralized Private Blockchains Network™ environment.
Optherium Labs will create opportunities for enterprises to have a private-labeled product built for them within the Ecosystem. This will enable the enterprise to leverage the Optherium Ecosystem’s rapid transaction speeds, instant currency conversions and confirmations, Dynamic Biometrics™-based security verifications, and the Multi-Decentralized™ Digital Currency Exchange for their own benefits.

Features of the Open-Source Optherium Labs Ecosystem Include:

  • Revolutionary decentralized dynamic biometric security verification system.
  • Unmatched Multicurrency capabilities and multisignature security for companies or individuals.
  • Lightning fast transactions with ‘instant’ confirmation at a rate of 100,000 transactions/sec with multiple channels.
  • Revolutionary Key Recovery Service.
  • Robust Know Your Customer Protocol.
  • Comprehensive Digital Rights Registry.
  • Powerful and comprehensive B2B and B2C platforms and capabilities.
  • Financial transactions with mutual transparency.
  • Share of the company’s commission structure based on ownership of the Optherium currency.
  • Secure API with a nominal transaction fee structure.
For more information:
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Author: tinhkhuat

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